

Keith Grainge did his PhD at Cambridge studying clusters of galaxies and measuring the Hubble Consta…

Meteorites shed light on the origin of the Solar System and on the geological history of different p…

Katherine Joy obtained her PhD in studies of lunar evolution from University College London in 2007,…

The aurora borealis or "northern lights" are stark evidence of the Earth's link to the space environ…

Jim Wild is the Professor of Space Physics at Lancaster University where he studies the space enviro…

Fritz Vollrath is Professor at Oxford University’s Department of Zoology, with research intere…

Gone are the days when you had to cut someone open to see what was on the inside - fortunately we no…

Erik van Sebille is an oceanographer and climate scientist, investigating the time scales and pathwa…

There is more to spiders and their gossamer webs than meets the untrained eye. Each year the spiders…

Chris Lintott is a Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Oxford, where he runs the Zoo…

There’s too much plastic in our ocean. But where does it come from? Where does it do most harm…

Bluedot 2017 marks the tenth anniversary of Galaxy Zoo, the project which has involved more than a m…

You may think science is perfectly objective, but in the study of people, it’s easy for bias a…

Angela Saini is an award-winning British science journalist and broadcaster. Well-known for presenti…

The recent explosion in air travel and the shipping of material goods pose a dire threat to the impe…