

Large satellite constellations; will ET be able to phone home? SpaceX and other companies have revol…

Psychiatrist and neuropsychopharmacologist Professor David Nutt is a leader in the st…

How galaxies tell us everything we want to know University of Manchester Professor of Extragalactic…

The Secret History of Jodrell BankThe Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank was the largest radio telesco…

If you look at some of the most exciting, innovative & critically acclaimed electronic music that ha…

Hope and Anchor: how to navigate the choppy waters of climate change   Will the future be fine, or…

Karen Olsson-Francis is a microbiologist and gained her PhD from the University of Otago, New Zealan…

Fri, Big Bang, 18:00 Saturday and Sunday, Origins Stage (Outer Space), 11:45 Join Our Kids Social fo…

Origins Stage (Outer Space) · Saturday and Sunday at 09:30am Join us on an interactive Yoga adventu…

Outer Space (Arboretum) · Saturday and Sunday 10am – 3pm Drop by the arboretum Saturday and S…

Mission Control · Friday, Saturday and Sunday 08:00-10:00 Leeds Young Film Festival have chosen the…

Conceived in the lady’s loo of a prominent Manchester dance temple, DJ Acid Rephlux has been loudl…

Philippa Browning was the first woman appointed as a physics lecturer in a Manchester University. Sh…

From burnt toast to the Big Bang – how galaxies at the beginning of time affect your breakfast In…

Immune Boosting – fact or fiction?We are constantly bombarded with products and regimes that s…