Independent SAGE is a group of scientists who are working together to provide independent scientific advice to the UK government and public on how to minimise deaths and support Britain’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
Dr Helen Salisbury · General Practitioner (GP) and Senior Medical Education Fellow at the Department of Primary Care, Oxford University
Helen Salisbury is a GP in Oxford. She has also worked extensively in medical education at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is interested in medical communications, writing a weekly column for the British Medical Journal and answering readers’ medical questions for Take a Break magazine. Her mission is to save NHS general practice.
Dr Duncan Robertson · Policy & Strategy Analytics academic at Loughborough University and Fellow of St Catherine’s College, Oxford
Dr Duncan Robertson is a senior lecturer in management sciences at Loughborough Business School and is a Fellow in Management Studies and a member of the Governing Body of St Catherine’s College in the University of Oxford. His research combines strategy and management science, as well as studying the link between policy and analytics. He joined Independent SAGE in early 2022, concentrating on data analysis and interpretation
Dr Stephen Griffin · Professor of Virology, University of Leeds
Stephen Griffin studied did his Bachelors, Masters and PhD at the University of Cambridge, moved to Leeds in 2001 as a post-doc, and established his research group there in 2007. His lab takes a multi-disciplinary approach to antiviral development, as well as investigating both causative and potentially curative viruses in human cancers, working on several different viruses, including SARS-CoV2. He has made it a priority to invest his time in public and media engagement during the pandemic, both to communicate science as accessibly as possible, as well as to counter mis/disinformation. Stephen is currently the co-Chair of Independent SAGE and helps to support the charities Long COVID Kids and Clinically Vulnerable Families with advice and support
Chaired by Sheena Cruickshank · University of Manchester
Professor Cruickshank is an immunologist in the University of Manchester. Her researchinvestigates the immune response to threats like infections or pollutants and the microbiome. She isan award-winning science communicator who involves diverse communities in her research both inthe UK and Africa. She also regularly discusses immunology and infection in the media, has appearedon programmes such as The Truth about Boosting your Immune System and most recently won theAssociation of British Science Writers Dr Katharine Giles Award 2021 for best popular article writtenby a scientist or engineer
Independent SAGE | Following the Science