

A brief introduction to how Extinction Rebellion rebels can use this participatory democracy tool fo…

So what is this 'regenerative culture' thing? Come and join in our interactive workshop to learn abo…

We'll be showing one of the films from our key viewing lists, so come and sit back, relax (as much a…

The planet is in ecological crisis: we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction event this plan…

Punk in Drublic hosts the violent collision of Spoken word poetry and Stand up Comedy. Since its con…

Bring your old tees, bags, and fabrics, and get printing with our hand-made XR printing blocks, or g…

Sci-fi short story sessions, hosted by Comma Press, with readings by award-winning authors including…

Sci-fi fiction and prose workshops and readings hosted by Manchester University’s acclaimed Ce…

Sci-fiction and space-themed cinema, including screenings of classic and contemporary sci-fi films,&…

Bring the whole family to Contact and enjoy 45 minutes of back to back episodes of The Clangers. The…

Prof Christopher French (Goldsmith’s) explains why we have false memories and continually sear…

Prof Vaughan Bell Prof Vaughan Bell (University College, London) on travels in Neuroscience, includi…

Garrett Millerick is an acclaimed stand up comedian, writer and director. His unique and versatile s…

Dr Tiffany Watt-Smith (QMUL Centre for the History of the Emotions) on the science of happiness

Screening of the brilliant BBC documentary Being Neil Armstrong, with a Q&A with the filmmaker Andre…