

Sara Maitland grew up in Galloway and studied at Oxford University. Her first novel, Daughters of Je…

Dr. Rob Appleby is a lecturer in the high energy particle physics group of the University of Manches…

Adam Marek is an award-winning short story writer. He won the 2011 Arts Foundation Short Story Fello…

It’s July 1969.350,000 people are packing for Woodstock, David Bowie has just released Sp…

Three brilliant African-American women at NASA -- Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaug…

This panel is set to explore the links between gender justice and climate justice, addressing the is…

Oxide Ghosts is Michael’s very personal tribute to Brass Eye, the series he directed between 1…

Jess Phillips is a Labour Party politician who became the MP for the constituency of Birmingham Yard…

Nadya Tolokonnikova is a Russian conceptual artist, political activist, and the founder of the art c…

With Maxie Gedge (PRS), Lucy Scott (Both Sides Now Programme Manager, Brighter Sounds), Shell Zenner…

In May 2000, an email arrived in inboxes around the world with a near-irresistible message: “k…

We're delighted to welcome Manchester’s Comma Press, part of the Northern Fiction Alliance, to…

Bluedot is delighted to welcome Dr Marek Kukula and Simon Guerrier, to unveil the Science of Dr Who.…

To celebrate the legendary electronic pioneer Delia Derbyshire, bluedot is proud to present an&…

The first episode of the seminal Gerry Anderson series Captain Scarlet was broadcast on 29 September…