

It’s July 1969.350,000 people are packing for Woodstock, David Bowie has just released Sp…

Dr Marcus Chown is an award-winning writer and broadcaster. Formerly a radio astronomer at the Calif…

Dr Marcus Chown will be at bluedot to explain gravity – it’s the weakest force in t…

Professor Richard Betts will give an overview of the evidence for human-caused climate cha…

In this fascinating talk, Mike Garrett will discuss the Search for Extraterrestrial Intell…

Professor Mike Garrett obtained a first-class honours degree at the University of Glasgow (1986), an…

Vinita Marwaha Madill is based at the European Space Agency (ESA) as a Space Operations Enginee…

Vinita Marwaha Madill discusses her career in the space industry, including presently working a…

Fritz Vollrath is Professor at Oxford University’s Department of Zoology, with research intere…

There is more to spiders and their gossamer webs than meets the untrained eye. Each year the spiders…

Bluedot 2017 marks the tenth anniversary of Galaxy Zoo, the project which has involved more than a m…

You may think science is perfectly objective, but in the study of people, it’s easy for bias a…

Angela Saini is an award-winning British science journalist and broadcaster. Well-known for presenti…

The recent explosion in air travel and the shipping of material goods pose a dire threat to the impe…

Professor Alice Larkin is Head of the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering and a re…